
Titanium Expanded Metal Mesh – Substrate Material of Anode

Electrolyzer is consist of cell, anode and cathode, most of which are separated by a diaphragm. The anodes of electrolyzer is Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) electrodes. They are made by a substrate with several kinds of metal oxides. The working principle of electrolyzer is use electricity to electrolyze water into hydrogen and oxygen material. Nowadays, the electrolyzer is developing towards large capacity and low energy consumption and it is widely used in chlor-alkali and hydrogen and oxygen production industry.

 “Titanium expanded metal is widely used as the substrates of Mixed Metal Oxide (MMO) electrodes to increase the amount of surface area allowing for more catalyst material to be used. Besides, it can enhance the flow through the substrate for better ion separation. With evenly distributed edges across the anode surface, the mesh produces outstanding results in current density and plating. The metal mesh provides good solution movement, electrolyte transfer and plating”.

Below chart of PEMPL Mesh for Electrolyzer

Popular Specifications

Platinum titanium mesh is used as the MMO anodes of electrolyser in industrial applications and it can be used as the cathodic protection mesh for concrete, pipe and other building material.

  • Chlorine-Alkali Industry
  • Full Cell
  • Swimming Pool Disinfection
  • Cathodic Protection
  • Electro Chlorination System
  • Electroplating
  • Oxygen & Hydrogen Production
  • Water Treatment
Chlorine-Alkali Industry
Cathodic Protection
Electro chlorination
Oxygen & Hydrogen production
Water Treatment